Taos Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the Meeting on 5-10-2023

Held at OPD, 107 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, NM 87571

  1. Sign in. Meeting began at 6:10 pm

  2. Guest and member introductions, 17 members & guests attending with 0 by Google Meet.

  3. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes held on 4/12/2023. Motion for approval by Bill (KG5ABX) and seconded by Wayne (W5GWR), vote was unanimous with no objections.

  4. Treasurer's Report. Don (K2WQ) reported the current available balance is $9,665.54 after accounting for obligations.

  5. Tim (W5TNM) president's remarks & discussion topics: i. ARRL License testing was conducted during the meeting, for 3 applicants, resulting in 1 General and 1 Extra. ii. Tim noted the 1st HF Net held 4/21 on 3939, Gary (N5GDR), Tim, John (W5JHW), 1 one from Stanley, NM participated. iii. The ARRL License testing held at Philmont for the SAR Escape, yielded 4 new licenses. iv. Tim noted upcoming events; June 3rd, ARRL License testing @OPD, June 8th STEM Event @elementary school (Tim/Darien (KI5YWK)), June 24th Field Day @Kit Carson Park, City concerts June 17th, July 4th & 9th. v. The Final Report for the Frost Grant was delivered 4/24/23, was due 5/10/23.

  6. New Business: a) STEM update, Darien (KI5YWK) noted that NASA is requesting help from amateur radio operators for the upcoming solar eclipse events on 10/14/23 and April of 2024. b) Other, Darien (KI5YWK) noted the UNM Taos Fall festival in October may be an opportunity for the club to showcase amateur radio. Motion for approval by Zack (KG5ACC) and seconded by Donovan (K2AH), vote was unanimous with no objections to participate. c) Discussion on raising the annual Civil Air Patrol (CAP) fee for SAM and balance that with the unknown potential USFS increased leasing costs. Club voted to defer a CAP increase until new fees were known. Motion by Bill (KJ5ABX) second by Ed (KF5EIG), vote had no opposing. d) Tim (W5TNM) announced TARC non-club, non-sponsoring events if any radio operators wanted to assist the LAARC Jemez trail run and Taos Legion Post 16 for a Memorial Day event.

  7. Old Business a) ARES update. New vests have arrived. b) OPD Shack facilities update. Nothing to report. c) STEM portable demo system. Keith (K5FS) provided update on status of build and testing conducted. Should be ready for Field Day.

  8. Repeater report: No update at this time.

  9. Net Report: nothing to report

  10. Business Meeting Close. a) Motion by Don (K2WQ) and seconded by Bill (KJ5ABX). Unanimous with no objections. Meeting adjourned at 7:01 pm